Southwest Vacation Feb23 - Death Valley NP
Artists Pallette

After Badwater Basin, we headed back north up Badwater road.  We were headed to see the Artists Pallete, which is visible from a one-way road off Badwater road.

I was struck by the landscape on this section of the road, it looked like an area that had been bulldozed to just flat dirt.   Absolutely nothing grew.  Just dirt.

A different shade of dirt.
We turned right onto Artists Drive, a 9-mile one-way paved detour loop that goes right by Artists Palette.
We pulled over into a small parking lot to check out the Artists Pallette.
You can sort of see some color in the hills straight ahead but it was not overwhelming.  I guess we needed to be here at daybreak or last light.  Although it was late afternoon and the sun was behind us.
Nope, still not seeing it.

The foreground looks kind of moon-like.


Finally seeing a little color.
Trudging back to the parking lot.
Sightseeing is over for today.  We driving north on Highway 190, through Furnance Creek, onto Stovepipe Wells where we are staying the next two nights.